Today I went to the hospital for my gallbladder ultrasound, I wasn't sure what to expect but it really wasn't a big deal. I had to have a non-fat supper last night and nothing to eat or drink after midnight, kind of like what you do to have fasting labwork except for the non-fat supper. I cheated and had a couple ounces of baked chicken breast for supper last night but everything else was non-fat. The ultrasound itself was no big deal, it was alot like getting a prenatal ultrasound, minus the baby...ha! I had to take a breath and hold it quite a number of times because that draws the diaphragm up and brings the organs out so she can scan them. She looked at my liver, gallbladder and the vessels and ducts around them. All in all I think it took like 20-25 minutes. Not bad at all.
Thursdays are going to be my weekly weigh in days, so even though I just started dieting on Sunday I wanted to get into the pattern of Thursday weigh ins. So here we go...On Sunday I was 265.2 and today I weighed an even 261, so I lost a total of 4.2 pounds. Not too bad. I know the weight comes off easily the first couple of weeks and I fully expect things to slow way down after that, that is my usual pattern, but my goal is to get down to 240 pounds before surgery. That mean before my surgery in April I would like to lose another 21 pounds. I think I can do it!
One other thing I was thinking about, and I'm not sure about this yet. I was kind of thinking of saying "good-bye" to some favorite eating establishments. I know gastric bypass will bring about a life change that will be something I follow for the rest of my life, and I know eventually I will learn to eat out again and make healthy choices, but I'd kind of like to pick one place per week and have lunch one last time. I don't mean I want to go gorge myself at a buffet or order 2 large value meals somewhere, just a nice simple lunch having some of my favorites. I know that probably sounds like I have some unresolved food issues I need to deal with but really it is just something I want to do for some closure. I thinking going somewhere to eat one last time knowing I may never be able to eat the greasy burger or Chinese buffet again and saying goodbye might be a ritual that will help me. I don't intend to gorge myself and gain weight before surgery, like it's a last ditch feeding frenzy, but one lunch per week while still working on losing weight seems like the ticket for me. I can mentally prepare myself knowing that that lunch will be the last one of that type forever and I can savor each bite. I am not trying to say I will never be able to eat out again, I know I can eventually, after the surgery, just not the way I am used to.
Next week I have my first weigh in at my surgeon's office, other than that nothing major. I have an appointment with the pulmonologist the following week and the psychiatrist the last week of January. I am really checking things off my list!!
Until next time!!
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