Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday weight in...can I get a woot woot!!!

I have been loosely following the 17 day diet since Monday and I was pretty pleased with the results of my weigh in this week.  When I say loosely following this diet I don't mean that I am cheating on the eating portion of it, there are just some things in the book that I don't do, like drinking hot lemon water every morning...gag!

I started this diet on Monday and when I weighed in this morning I have lost 3.6 pounds!!!  That brings my total weight loss to 10.4# since I started dieting on January 6th.  That doesn't really sound like that much to me until I put it into perspective.  My goal was to lose 1-2# per week and I have been dieting now for a little over 8 weeks.  10.4# divided by 2 months is 5.2# average per month and an average of 1.3# per week, so I met my goal.  I'm sure it would have been better if I had been more serious about dieting in the beginning, at least I'm headed down the right path now, the last two weeks I had a gain, not substantial, but still a gain, so I had to make up for that.  I like the lower carb diets because the hunger goes away when I eat higher protein and that is a great bonus.

I still did not hit the gym as often as I wanted to this week, just went once.  I feel really tired and dragged out this week, I think it is detoxing from all the carbs and crap food.  If I remember correctly from the last time I did this diet I will start feeling more energy at a week or so out, so hopefully I can get the gym more next week.

Nothing too exciting on the horizon next week, just my annual physical.  It will be interesting to see what my weight is this year and then next year at this time when I go in.  I am excited for this change to happen.

Until next week.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Support group wake up call

I went to the first support group meeting at the hospital where I will be having my gastric bypass in April, and I really enjoyed it.  I had reservations because it is 2 hours long and I just didn't know what to expect for 2 hours.  The first hour they had a nutritionist talk to us about foods and meal planning, portion sizes and what order to eat your food.  It was very informative.  The second hour was spent in a circle discussing certain talking points.  There were about 20 people there and maybe 5 or 6 of us haven't had surgery yet.   Many subjects came up and I can tell that these people will be a great support as I embark on this journey.  They are a wealth of information and there are people there at all stages, everyone from those of us who had not had surgery yet to some who are years out.  I definitely plan to go monthly to the support group meetings.

My wake up call at the support group meeting was when one of the ladies was commenting on how skinny one of the other ladies had gotten and she said "I'm not jealous of you, I just wish I had been more serious about losing weight before I had surgery so I could gotten down lower after surgery."  I will be honest, I have been playing the game I always play, dieting some days and other eating whatever I fancy.  The last two weeks I have been up .8 pounds both weeks.  It may seem like a 1.6 pound gain in 2 weeks isn't a big deal but in the grand scheme of things since my first weigh in on January 6th I am only down 6.8 pounds and 4.2 of those pounds were lost the first week.  I am finally coming to terms with the fact that I have an eating disorder, I am a food addict and I am tired of the games I play with myself.  I have obviously been "playing the game" my whole life and it has to stop.  I will never be successful long-term with this weight loss surgery if I don't fix my head.  I have decided that once I get the surgery I am going to start seeing a therapist to deal with my food issues as well as starting to deal with things that happened in my childhood, and in my past that I never dealt with.  I have had a lifetime of heartache and I am coming to realize that I have just turned off my emotions because feeling nothing is better than dealing with the pain.  I have sacrificed the happy in order to not feel or deal with the sad.  I have squashed everything so deep inside that it's eating me up.  I think my emotions have manifested as a food addiction and I need to figure this out as my journey progresses.

That being said, I have my 17 day diet book in front of me and I am going to re-read it this weekend and start the diet on Monday.  I know I felt wonderful on it when I did it a year and a half ago so maybe this will be the ticket for me to get myself in check and take off some weight before surgery.  It is a high protein, lower carb diet and that will help me transition into the way I will need to be eating after surgery.  I really want to weigh 240# when I go into surgery, that would give me 90# to lose to reach 150#.  I could live at a weight of 150# and be happy.

I am having a really hard time giving up caffeine.  I drink caffeine in the form of coffee and water mix-ins when I work my 3-12 hours nights shifts on the weekends.  I try to not drink caffeine during the week when I am off and at about the 24 hour mark of no caffeine I develop a horrible migraine.  I then have a cup of coffee and it feels better.  Last week I had a combination hormonal/lack of caffeine migraine that lasted 3-4 days.  This week it was about a day and a half.  I think I am going to pick up some half-caff coffee at the store and at least switch to that and see if that helps.  I am also going to stop buying the energy water mix ins, they have a ton of caffeine in them.  I bought some V8 energy cans I want to try at work and see if it actually works for me.  I think it's caffeine comes from green tea which is much lower than coffee or the mix-ins.  I will probably have a half caff coffee at then try the V8.  Maybe instead of starting my shift with a cup of coffee as is my habit, I will wait and hour or two into my shift and then have coffee.  I still haven't gone back to diet sodas so that makes me happy.  I think that is a habit that is finally broken.

My weigh in today was 258.4# which is a .8 gain from last week.  My total loss so far is 6.8#.  I haven't been to the gym all week, the excuses about that have to stop, too.  I know I can't work out when I have a migraine, but what about the other days I didn't go.  I guess I am my own worse enemy!!  I downloaded some fitness apps to my tablet, I'll review those when I start using them too.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday eating

I don't plan on blogging every day for the rest of my life with what exact foods I eat, I know that would be incredibly boring to read, and I can use Sparkpeople for that. However, for the next couple of weeks I do plan on blogging the food items I eat, the calories, and the protein, mostly for my own benefit, so I can look back and see what worked and what didn't work.  I will keep doing reviews of the protein shakes I try as well.  I feel I need to do this to get my butt on track.

Today I ate:
Breakfast-Syntrax chocolate truffle protein shake with 8 oz of skim milk.  Calories 190 and Protein 31 grams
Lunch-2 Boca burgers, 140 calories for both and 26 grams of protein for both, with 1 ounce shredded cheese melted on top 100 calories (an ounce is probably more than I used but I didn't weigh it so I will use the higher calories) Protein 7 grams.  Ketchup 35 calories for 1 Tbsp.  No bun with the burgers, I just melted the cheese on top and ate it with a fork.  Green beans with butter spray.  70 calories and protein 3 grams.
Supper-2 chicken sausages with artichoke and mozerella.  240 calories for both, 34 grams of protein for both.  I know I said I was going to stay away from carbs today but I did have some mustard pretzels with my supper.  110 calories and 3 grams of protein.  Ketchup 35 calories.  NO buns!

Totals=920 calories and 104 grams of protein.  The calories were low enough, I need to get used to that because my pre-op liquid diet will be 600-700 calories from the look of it.  The protein was 104 grams.  I know I am supposed to shoot for 80-100 grams or protein daily, I barely made it over 100 eating ALOT today, I don't think it is going to be easy to get that much protein in post-op when my stomach pouch has such a small capacity.  That will be interesting.

I have had a pretty ridiculous headache today so I didn't even feel like doing much snacking, so that was good.  I think this headache is a combination of drinking less caffeine, and detoxing from carbs and processed stuff.  I have been taking tylenol and motrin pretty much all day.

I did make it to the gym this morning.  I did 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes doing various weight machines.  Hopefully this headache doesn't go full blown migraine and I can go to the gym again tomorrow.  I want to either use the exercise bike or one of the elipticals or both for 30 minutes and then do the weights again for 30 minutes.  I really want to go to the gym the next 3 days.  Tuesday through Thursday mornings at the gym are what I hope to make habit and hopefully I can throw in a Monday night Zumba class, too.  I am very self conscious at the gym, I know I look terrible, I see myself in the mirrors that are everywhere.  I can't wait to take this weight off.

Off to bed for me.  I review my next shake and journal my food later tomorrow.

New week. New plan.

I'll be honest, I haven't been watching my food intake very closely these last couple of weeks.  It all started about 2 weeks ago when I got sick with a stupid head cold, I felt miserable and I got lazy about documenting my food intake which lead to a drive thru meal here, and some extra snacks there, and it has to STOP before I spiral further out of control!  I am sick of the games I play with  myself and the justifications I throw out there for my behavior, it is not acceptable.  Luckily I haven't gained any weight the last couple of weeks, but my loss isn't the greatest either.  I weigh in at my surgeon's office on Thursday and I certainly don't want to show a gain there.

So, my plan is this.  I need to try out protein shakes for my 2 week pre-op liquid protein diet so I want to use the protein shakes I am trialing as my breakfast, I will give reviews of the shakes I try here on my blog.  I will eat a no or low carb lunch that consists of lean meat with vegetables that are filling vegetables, no breads, no pastas, no potatoes etc.  For supper it will again be lean meat and filling vegetables and maybe the occasional half of a baked potato or something small like that.  For my night time snack I am going to have a plain greek yogurt that I will doctor up some how with torani syrup or sugar free jello powder, or cinnamon.  I will post how everything goes with my meals on my blog nightly.  I need the accountability.  If I need snacks I will have a sugar free popsicle or jello during the day.  I have completely eliminated diet sodas and I want to cup back from 2 cups of coffee on my days off to one or none and make sure I get my 64 oz of water daily.  I work 12 hour night shifts so I am not sure if I will be able to completely eliminate coffee on the weekends when I work, but I will try to cut back on caffeine there, too.

I am heading out to the gym in a little bit.  I got my membership at Snap fitness went a couple of times and then got sick a few days later and haven't been back.  My goal is to work out at the gym on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays in the morning and I want to sign up next week for the Monday night Zumba class they offer there at the gym.  Saturdays and Sundays aren't going to be work out days for me because I work 12 hour night shifts on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.  I am lucky if I stay coherent on those days!  Work-Sleep-Repeat x3.

I just finished drinking a protein shake as I am typing this.  The one I tried this morning is:

It was actually very good, it wasn't chalky and it didn't leave a terrible after taste, there was some of that protein shake after taste but it was tolerable.  It was very rich and chocolaty.  It reminded me somewhat of chocolate milk or a thicker version of yoohoo.  I had a single serving size packet and I mixed the whole packet with 8 oz of skim milk.  The skim milk is 90 calories and 8 grams of protein and the syntrax nectar has 100 calories and 24 grams of protein.  The front of the packet says it has 23 grams of protein but the nutrition label says is has 6 grams of protein per 1/4 packet so that (if my math is correct is 24...) I guess I will go with the 23 grams listed on the front of the package.

That leaves me with a grand total of 31 grams of protein and 190 calories for my breakfast shake.  Do I think I will be hungry before lunch, I'm betting so, but hopefully I will get used to it.

I will definitely be trying more syntrax products!!

Off to the gym!  I'll update my food intake later :)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday weigh in AND...

I have an official surgery date!!!!!!  My surgery will be Monday April 8th.  Let the countdown begin!
I have a few things on my plate before now and then.  I have my weigh in this month at my surgeon's office which is next week Thursday the 14th of February, then I will be seeing the psychiatrist on March 11th and I have an appointment with the dietician and surgeon both on the same day March 14th.  I will be doing my two week liquid diet the last week of March and the first week of April.  The nurse coordinator asked me if I wanted to postpone surgery a week until April 15th so I wouldn't be on my liquid diet on Easter.  My answer to that was a big hell no!!  I want the surgery and a holiday isn't going to get in my way, even for one week.  It helps that I work weekends and I'll be doing 12 hour weekend shifts that whole weekend so I won't be around much on Easter to even be tempted.  The family can go to my Mom's to celebrate without me, and I won't even feel bad about it!!  I am just super excited to finally have a date and a plan, and I can see it on the horizon and it no longer feels like an endless stretch of time until then.

My weigh in this week is less than stellar.  I have said I wanted to lose 1-2 pounds per week and so far I have until today.  I lost a measly .6 pounds bringing my total up to 8.4 pounds lost.  I know it is better than a gain, or no loss at all, but it is frustrating none the less.  This infuriatingly slow weight loss has been my pattern since about the time I hit 40 years old.  Tenths of pounds...ugh!!  Hopefully after my surgery I will be able to see the losses I need to see and want to see.  It's hard to do things the right way and not see the reward for doing it.

On another note, I read this quote on facebook today and I love it.  It fits right where I am in my life right now.