Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday weigh in AND...

I have an official surgery date!!!!!!  My surgery will be Monday April 8th.  Let the countdown begin!
I have a few things on my plate before now and then.  I have my weigh in this month at my surgeon's office which is next week Thursday the 14th of February, then I will be seeing the psychiatrist on March 11th and I have an appointment with the dietician and surgeon both on the same day March 14th.  I will be doing my two week liquid diet the last week of March and the first week of April.  The nurse coordinator asked me if I wanted to postpone surgery a week until April 15th so I wouldn't be on my liquid diet on Easter.  My answer to that was a big hell no!!  I want the surgery and a holiday isn't going to get in my way, even for one week.  It helps that I work weekends and I'll be doing 12 hour weekend shifts that whole weekend so I won't be around much on Easter to even be tempted.  The family can go to my Mom's to celebrate without me, and I won't even feel bad about it!!  I am just super excited to finally have a date and a plan, and I can see it on the horizon and it no longer feels like an endless stretch of time until then.

My weigh in this week is less than stellar.  I have said I wanted to lose 1-2 pounds per week and so far I have until today.  I lost a measly .6 pounds bringing my total up to 8.4 pounds lost.  I know it is better than a gain, or no loss at all, but it is frustrating none the less.  This infuriatingly slow weight loss has been my pattern since about the time I hit 40 years old.  Tenths of pounds...ugh!!  Hopefully after my surgery I will be able to see the losses I need to see and want to see.  It's hard to do things the right way and not see the reward for doing it.

On another note, I read this quote on facebook today and I love it.  It fits right where I am in my life right now.

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